Snow: a Deserialization Library

Copyright 2008 Denys Rtveliashvili


Snow is a library which allows to deserialize data in accordance with the specified plan. The plan tells what data is required on each step, what has to be deserialized and in what way. The source data is just a number of text strings grouped into lists (which are, in turn, can also be grouped). Of course, it means that this approach is not very flexible. But it works well enough in many cases.

The idea of this library appeared once I realised that it is too tedious to create custom deserializers and even less appealing to describe the data in a flexible yet verbose configuration files of frameworks like Spring. Another feature I needed was an ability to represent simple data structures in a simple manner so that they can be easily comparable with the help of diff tools and loaded up when necessary.

The documentation is being migrated to SourceForget WIKI. You can find a lot of information there. Logo